Monday 14 March 2016

Why people love to travel ? 

Visiting different places is a fun and exciting way to spend your vacation. You can travel with your family or go to places on your own. If you love adventure, then you’ll definitely appreciate going to many different locations whether locally or around the world. As an individual, we have our own reasons why we love travelling. Who doesn’t want to see new places? Practically, most of us share the same passion for travelling.

To challenge yourself

When you travel to another culture and/or country you have to deal with language barriers, new cultural norms (e.g., in many countries people expect to wait much longer for things than in the U.S...even small things like servers taking a long time to bring a check take getting used to at first), and making more mistakes...all of these require patience . 

To enjoy new experiences

You are constantly making decisions and solving problems, which gives you experience and wisdom. Also, as you explore and meet new people you discover new ideas and approaches to doing things and solving problems (or realizing things you were worried about aren't really an issue at all)...which you can later apply to your own life or when giving advice to others.

To see new things

Another reason why people love to travel around different places is because they get to learn a lot of things. In fact, we can learn new things when we go on a trip to other areas. We can also absorb information a lot faster when we personally visit a place. For example, it’s a lot easier to learn how to cook Asian dishes if you’ve been to Asia and have seen the people there cooking the food in front of you. It’s a lot better than watching a video of some Asian woman cooking a particular dish you like. The same thing goes to all of the other things you might want to learn

To eat new food

Love for food is one of the reasons why people are excited when it comes to travel to other places. When going to different towns, cities, or countries, expect to find new foods that you’ve never tasted before. If you don’t mind eating new things, then travelling is a nice thing to do for you to experience this. People who are into food-tasting activities, actually travel just to find a unique food to try out. More often than not, you’ll find new foods if you go outside the country. Asia is one of the best places to try new dishes as they cook lots of foods.


Fulfil Your Dreams

As a kid, we all dreamt of visiting a particular country when we grow up. Travelling make it possible for us to fulfil our dreams while reaping all the benefits mentioned above. Some people are saving some money for a future trip just to fulfil their desire to visit a place. It’s not like we get to travel to new places every day. So fulfilling this dream is rewarding for people who’ve always wanted to go to a new spot whether locally or abroad.


Make Some Memories

Whether you are travelling alone or with your family, visiting various places is a good way to make some memories. Aside from capturing great moments as well as beautiful sceneries, going on a trip allows people to create memorable events in their lives. If someone asks you about your past, you can easily tell them great stories about your travel to different places. It doesn’t matter if you were travelling locally or abroad. Most people don’t want to hear stories about your day at the office. They want to hear new stories, especially about something that they’ve never heard before. One way to do so is by sharing your travel experiences with them. These memories aren’t just fun, they’re unforgettable.

Monday 7 March 2016

healthy body

 Want to become a very healthy person?

 BUT how to get a healthy body ?



Our body and our mind are connected. Being active makes us happier as well as being good for our physical health. It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of a depression.
We don't all need to run marathons - there are simple things we can all do to be more active each day
Let follow these steps and you'll be on your way to becoming a very healthy person regardless of your age, weight or current health status.
  • Turn everyday routines into exercise
  • Get enough rest
  • Eat an appropriate, healthy balanced diet containing all the nutrients your body requires
  • Drink enough water (8 glasses a day)
  • Always think positive
  • Don't let yourself stress 
So, what are you waiting for? Lets start right now to take care of your body !